Shibaura Institude of Technology

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Shibaura Institude of Technology


Nurturing engineers who learn from society and contribute to society SIT’s predecessor school was founded by Shiro Arimoto in 1927. Since those early days, SIT has remained committed to a practical approach in educating and nurturing engineers. Its founding philosophy is firmly rooted in this legacy.

Shiro Arimoto advocated “education in which the various aspects of modern culture are incorporated in the curriculum to help students learn the significance of contributing actively to society.” SIT’s practical approach to education has enabled it to nurture engineers with the practical knowledge and skills necessary to support a technology-oriented country. This, together with its ability to produce outstanding engineers possessed of both a strong sense of ethics and comprehensive knowledge, has underpinned SIT’s long-term contribution to progress and development in society at large.

Up to the present day, the education SIT provides based on its founding philosophy has continued to result in competent professionals; its graduates are widely regarded as capable and dependable engineers.

Undergraduate Program

Postgraduate Program

Official Website | Official Website (EN)

