Akamonkai Japanese Language School

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Akamonkai Japanese Language School

Japanese Language School

Since established in 1985, Akamonkai Japanese Language School have educated tens of thousands of from more than 80 countries around the world. We are a Japanese language school with a proven track record and trustworthy reputation, approved by the Japanese government as an educational corporation and as one of more than 20 preparatory schools in Japan. We provides thorough support for higher education, employment, and daily life for all students, as well as a high quality education consisting of a over 17 levels curriculum.

Also, we have an intension of recruiting students with strong will who not only hold excellent academic achievements but also showcase of being warm hearted as a human being, to educate them into well-fitting human resources for the society of Japan and the World. In order to fulfill this task, Akamonkai teamed up with Japan Graduates' Association of Malaysia (JAGAM) to create 5 scholarships for JAGAM member students. And even if students can't pass it, there are many scholarship programs in Akamonkai. Full-time students who are enrolled in our school more than 6 months and will go to university, graduate school or vocational school after graduating from Akamonkai are eligible to apply.

Official Website (Japanese) | Official Website (English) | Official Website (Simplified Chinese)

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